
And What Will the New Year Bring?

And so another year has rolled around. Although we are well into January now, I feel like today was the first day I really started to organise myself and actually think about what this will have in store for me. 

As excited as I am to see what this year brings, it is also a year of change for me. 2015 will officially be my first year out of education and working full time as well as adventuring off around the world alone.

And here goes I'm going to write a little list of my 2015 goals:
- Appreciate what I have
- Meet new people
- Be creative

- Write down my ideas
- Blog
- Make Videos
- Take More Pictures
- See the World/ Travel
- Go to the beach before work in the morning
- Be more active

Whatever this year brings I am interested to see where it takes me and hope to have a memorable year and most of all just be happy.


Laura x

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